Monday, May 4, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy And another Gig on the 24th

The sunnier it gets outside, the more I skate. The more I skate, the less I edit :( I know, I know i'm slacking. You can't blame me i've been waiting for it to be this nice out since the dead of winter and I'm just taking advantage of that. I haven't run out of footy actually i'm stacked. The memorabilia for today was supposed to be all the tapes and stuff I have collected from Satelites, and I have collected alot of stuff. I didn't get to take pics of it yet cuz i've also been working alot more so all my free time goes to skating. We have got tickets in for the next upcoming Gig at the reverb again. With the Satelites as a whole band everyone should come and check it out. I already know it's gunna be packed and we are trying really hard to get this demo finished up in the next couple weeks. It feels like forever since they started working on the demo. That's how it is though trying to squeeze practice and having gigs.

I know this isn't a Satelites memorabilia, it's actually a Skyboy, actually it's knida for both. A couple months ago we had a serious talk (it was march 4) and we were talking about watching out for signs life shows us. I gave this munny as a gift to Xillionaire and it is displayed in his room like that. The Munny had a Sign which was a sign for us like the rocker munny was a sign for Satelites at Much.

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