Thursday, April 30, 2009

Some stuff I came across

ok so I know i've been slacking recenty and I found this (actually Allen told me about it)

Update April 30, 2009

Last night was the last night Syd had the studio so we decided to do the photo shoot with the Satelites as a full band. Also the drums have come back to Skyboy studio to finish the Satelites demo. The Skyboy myspace is in the works and another update for the Satelites myspace is on the way. Here's a pic Syd took last night. Don't forget to check Syd's Blog (in the links section) Enjoi

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Something for the fans

I know that I have been slacking recently so I decided to share some of my secret stash of footy with you guys. I have tapes and tapes of these guys at different performances. This is the first time I recorded Override DJ and it's one of my favourite (even though all the songs are my favourite haha)

Hope this clip here makes people want to come out to hear the complete sound with Fred and the whole set. Enjoi

Monday, April 27, 2009

Update April 27, 2009

So if you guys haven't already seen this, this is one of the main reasons why Sateliets keep getting fans on youtube. Watch it over and over and give it 1,000,000 hits haha. Sorry for the lack of posts, it's getting nicer out so I choose to skate as often as possible. The gig they had last saturday at poor alex's was amazing. Hearing the full sound was mind BLASTING haha and seeing the full band was a sight to see. With a little breathing space till the next gig these guys got alot of work to do. We all do actually, this wednesday is going to be another photo shoot with the complete band at Walnut. These guys also have to push the demo to completion. The Myspace is going to be Revamped and the myspace for Skyboy is also in the works. The next month is going to be a good one so watch out for progress and I'll try my best to keep this thing updated for all of the regular followers. Remember this vid needs 1,000,000 more hits so keep watching ( I still watch this all the time, I can never get bored of this, it's too sick, good job Art and Theo)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Skyboy and Satelites at walnut

From last month when we had a photo shoot with Syd at walnut. Enjoi

Friday, April 24, 2009

EXCLUSIVE Pre show practice

you wanna see more come tomorrow to the show
facebook event

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blast from the past, Vigo bros and Allen

A couple memories brought to you by the Vigo bros and another memory from Allen and Theo. Enjoi

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Satelites' timeline part 7

Remember if you haven't kept up with this post read the other timeline posts before you continue.

Satelites kept playing in that room, jammin out their set at the time. I noticed that the main camera guy left with some of the producers, meaning the guru had come. Greg entered the room with the camera behind and the Satelites acted shocked. After a brief talk he asked them to play the song they want to play on DisBand. Greg sat covering his ears while tapping his foot to the beat. He then judged the song and told them all he was hearing was a wall of sound. Greg was wondering why they didn't have a bass and told them that it was a stupid idea to come on the show without one.

After a break the producers and Greg discussed a little on what was going to happen next. Greg gave us directions to go to a certain place "tomorrow", and then he left. We started to clean up all the equipment while the much producers borrowed some time from each of the guys to film confessionals. 

When everything was all cleaned up, Satelites changed into what they had to wear for "tomorrow", and we were told to follow where the Much truck was going. We ended up around Queen st. W and Dufferin area, got parking and they started filming them walking down the sidewalk.
The producers at Much had taken us to the Gibson museum after hours and we had the whole place to ourselves. I chilled around off the camera as they were filming for "tomorrow". Arthur had left me his camera so I stole shots without people seeing.

Greg was in a room full of guitars hanging on the wall, a piano in the middle, and amps around the ground. He then welcomed them to the gibson museum and they filmed for a little bit more.

To be continued...

Warehouse Session

Here's some stuff I filmed on 420 Enjoi

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A film tip from Tio

Happy 420 hahahaha MUNCHIES
this kid is so sick at skatin, check the next post when I put it up. Sorry for not posting recently, everythings getting a bit busy
i'll get back on that. Tomorrows timeline post is a good one so don't go anywhere.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Youtube Find!

I don't even remember how I randomly got on this vid and it was so sick I had to share it with you guys.

Vanderhoof Night Session

Allen , Mark, Josh, and I had a night session over the weekend at Hoof. Watch Josh rip up the park. Enjoi

Update April 20. 2009

Today is 4:20 for those who acknowledge this, Happy 4:20 hahaha

Here's the Satelites jamming out after their set yesterday at the Charity show. If you haven't been to any Satelites' shows there is another one this Saturday. More info about that coming soon. Hopefully Fred will be ready by then to perform with them. For pics from this event click Enjoi

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tomorrow is the Charity Show

Here's Satelites getting ready to practice with the new bassist Fred. I heard that he won't be playing with them tomorrow, but he will be on the 25th so be ready for a complete sound next week. Just listening to the practice, I already know it's going to be amazing.

Friday, April 17, 2009

EXCLUSIVE Update!! New Bassist

Meet Fred

I got to hear Satelites practice yesterday with a full sound. My only words were Magic. Allen was killing the drums and everything is starting to sound more crisp. They have practiced a couple days with Fred already. Hopefully he will be playing on Sunday, also we just received the tickets yesterday so get in contact with us if you want to go. Satelites will be playing with another band they met on filming disband, Chasing Amee, so expect an amazing Live show.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Scarborough Junk Yard and Cliffside Shoot

Allen, Mark and I went to a couple places yesterday to get some shots. here's a clip and some shots I took yesterday. Enjoi

Photo Captions:
1. Floating Mark (april 14, 2009)
2. Mark and Allen floating (april 14, 2009)
3. Back crooks (april 14, 2009)

Allen vs. Bronx Who will win???

Just some random footy for you guys. Enjoi

Satelites' timeline part 6

Remember if you haven't read any of the other parts it would be good to catch up now before continuing. 

In late october Satelites had gone to a couple interviews at much. They went to find out if they were going to be on the show. Here is a clip that Gerald filmed on the way to the first interview.

After Satelites found out they were going to be on the show they were so psyched. The first film day was a month after the first interview. As soon as they heard the news they practiced, and practiced, and practiced. The location of their first shoot for disband was at the Rehearsal Factory, on November 17, 2008.

I remember walking in there for the first time. It was like a maze of corridors inside. From their website I had found out that most of the room had themes going on inside. I could hear from walking around that other bands were practicing inside. We had passed a couple doors that I found interesting.

We found the manager after walking around lost for about 20 minutes. He showed Satelites to the room Much Music booked for them to use. 

While Satelites were setting set up, the producers and filmers from Much showed up. The camera guys pulled out their equipment and started filming them play.

Satelites played, and the camera guys filmed, and they all waited for thier guru to show up.

to be continued.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Memorabilia Monday - Satelites' Buttons

This weeks memorabilia will affect more of you guys out there especially if you guys attended the gig last friday. The collection of buttons I have are first edition of firsts (if that doesn't make sense I got the first of every button made). I will go into detail of who design what and how those ideas came to be.

We'll start of with the faces series. This series contains all the Satelites' faces on white background with a different colour for every face. Blue for Allen, Green for Theo, Red for Arthur. The concept was brainstormed by us at a meeting, we wanted the Che Guvera look. Syd used the pics he had and took the headshots and came up with the silhouette look.

Here we have the old school logo and the new logo. The old school logo was a concept developed by Franzis and Allen. The purple background and stars were added by Modified (Toni actually designed all the buttons you are looking at) The new logo was Designed by Xillionaire to add a touch of futuristic imagination to it. Again colours were modfied by Modified haha.

These buttons were designed by Modified and the concept came from Allen who would write STLTS instead on Satelites, This was first seen on the memorabilia with the pink munny.

Finally the Pride of the first series of buttons, The Signature collection, these buttons are the most rare in all the collection. While the others had hundreds of buttons each face only had 16 released so if you are a lucky one to have one keep it safe. Concept was from Allen and Modified pics are the same as the faces pins taken by Syd.

Well I hoped that, that informed you on how this stuff came to be, the vid also shows us working very hard for these buttons so keep them and cherish them. One day in the future who knows they can be worth millions.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Getting back in my groove

Well I injured myself a couple days ago before the Satelites show and I am in no condition to skate so for now I will try and get back on track and edit vids. I added a couple more scenes to the demo promo I've been working on, all thats left to do is adding text and final touches. I edited this clip from the day of the performance hope you enjoi.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tired after a long day, update april 11, 2009

Yesterday was crazy, if you missed out on the Satelites' performance don't fret, there's another coming up next week on the 19th. I got to film the performance yesterday but Satelites have asked me not to leak the footage for now until we can decide what to put on the DVD to be sold with their demo (yes they do have a Demo in the works so be patient) it has been a long weekend and the after party and the after eating after party got me home around 3. Of course being the filmer that I am I had to watch to footage over to see how it is in HD on my TV. Sorry guys only pics for now until I can work something out with these guys. The pictures were taken by my Girlfriend so I hope you enjoi. For even more pictures check out Rilla's Blog (she was the event photographer)

Photo Captions:
1. Theo Vigo of Satelites (april 10, 2009)
2. Arthur Sollano in a Shoppers drug mart uniform (april 10, 2009) 
3. Allen Pinlac setting up (april 10, 2009)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Today's the day!!

Sorry for not having any new stuff to put up here, well today's the day we have all been waiting for and it's a busy one for all of us. We will see you guys downtown this evening. Remember to bring your tickets and if you haven't purchased one yet, you can get them at the door (just remember to say your there to see Satelites) well I'll just post a vid here a couple people have been asking me about. Remember to unlock your mind you need knowledge

another version

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Making Satelites Merchandise!!!

This was the scene of last tuesday evening as everyone pitched in a hand at making buttons for Friaday's Gig. I have just heard that they are only selling tickets at the door now and they can't give us anymore so I guess we'll just see you there.


Here it is, you heard it first on their myspace, now see the random video that came with it. Video concept is from Theo (creator of the parody) and I filmed 3 takes and mashed it all up. Enjoi

Update April 8, 2009

Only TWO DAYS away from the Satelites performance w00t w00t, aren't you guys excited. Well we have been keeping busy doing alot of things to prep for this. I just heard from Allen a couple days ago that all cameras are allowed at Kathedral so bring whatever you like. We were preparing some merchandise for this coming show. Toni and Jon found a way to rent a button making machine. Last Thursday during the meeting we brainstormed about 9 pins to make and we ended up with 10 designs yesterday. I bought the whole set last night (the first of every pin made ahahahha). It's a pretty long process making buttons but it's all worth it in the end. Buttons are going on sale for 3 for 5$ so watch out for them on the merch table. Here's a little clue the red signature collection set is the most rarest buttons in all the buttons (hope that made sense) for now enjoi these pics.

Photo Captions:
1. The designers and Allen (april 7, 2009)
2. Stamping out button designs (april 7, 2009)
3. From design to button (april 7, 2009)
4. First edition Firsts of everything, sold to me hahaha (april 7, 2009)
5. Halfway there (april 7, 2009)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Top 5 Female Features with Skyboy

There you go I missed out a couple weeks but this should make up for it haha. Enjoi

Youtube is GAY!!!

So I uploaded 3 vids yesterday and for the skate montage I used the song Dead Wrong, Youtube decided to be gay and remove the audio cuz of copyright infringement. The only shitty part is after I export a Vid and review it, I delete the files so I have more space on my laptop. So now I have to find another website I can try and upload it or next time i'll use a skyboy track.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Randomness , Fisheye Styles

Sorry for the delay in videos, I have actually racked up a good amount of footy. Don't forget that in less than 5 days we get to see the Satelites Live at Kathedral so get your tickets before they are all gone. I am currently working on more than one vid at the moment and I just finished editing 3 so im getting back on track. Enjoi this random vid for now

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Slow Motion Love Electric HD

Just a scene of Satelites practicing in Allen's basement. Less than a week till the performance at Kathedral, do you got your tickets yet???

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Skyboy!! Update april 4, 2009

We all have been a bit busy lately getting alot of things done now. Satelites is preparing merchandise for next friday, and Syd has been working on the demo cover, I have been working on the demo promo, and Xillionaire made this concept for the Skyboy image. Last night we managed to sell almost all tickets again so Satelites is trying to get more cuz more people are still asking. I had a filming job last night at Hard Rock cafe, Melodic Blues from Vancouver was looking for someone to film it and the friend of the bassist got my contact. I actually got to go to work today so i'll get cracking on those vids as soon as I have time. For now enjoi this concept sketch of Skyboy.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Arthur's Youtube Video

Here's a vid Arthur uploaded today on youtube, One sail, One Sea another Meg&Dia cover

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Update April 2, 2009

We had another late night yesterday. Satelites and Skyboy had another photo shoot at Walnut studio. I got to film alot, I even got a scene where I got a parking ticket but Syd came out in time to save his car. Whomp Whomp for Toni and I, anyways I got to film most of the shoot and Art and Allen used my SLR to take pics of what was happening. The weather is getting alot nicer out so im going to take advantage of that and keep filming outside. The vids might take a little longer to come out but i'll have more footy. It's supposed to rain on friday so I am going to spend the whole day editing vids for the whole weekend. Also to those who do not have their tickets yet come by Jack Astors this friday to come get yours!! we will be there in the evening and we only have 40 left, and I know at least 15 of those are already sold so make your way there quicktime. Enjoi these photos from yesterday for now.

Photo Captions
1. Sydney taking a shot (april 1, 2009)
2. Chillin at Walnut studio (april 1, 2009)
3. Reviewing some shots (april 1, 2009)
4. Satelites Fisheye (april 1, 2009)
5. Satelites (april 1, 2009)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Some throw footy

im currently working on a march montage, here's some throw footy from march

Satelites' timeline part 5

If you haven't read any of the other parts please do so before continuing so it doesn't get confusing. Thanks and Enjoy

I had spent the rest of my summer mostly with my fam and close ones, but I regularly visited Allen's to hear them practice. Every time I came back there were more lyrics down for more of the songs. By the time september came I was already filming in the Skyboy studio. A friend of ours came by, Joe Tillo, he is a rapper and he threw down on some of the Skyboy tracks. I had a talk with the Satelites letting them know that I wanted them to be in my first project. I made a little episode thing for them and for me to gain experience editing and producing videos.

The fimling started late september, early october. around mine and Theo's Bday. The first time they recorded drums is early october. They had just recently made a Myspace because Satelites wanted to get on the show disband. After recording tracks for the myspace they sent their info to much music hoping for something good to happen. Satelites noticed that as soon as they put their link on an Adventure cover Art and Theo did, they were getting alot of hits and great feedback from random people. In the first week of october they got a reply from Andrea, a producer from much, asking them to come in for a little interview the next week. The day of the interview landed on Theo's Birthday making it a great 22nd Bday, presenting Satelites an amazing opportunity. 

They kept trying to record an electric set with no luck, but they did gain experience in recording. After finding out that they would be on DisBand they brought the drums back to Allen's to get proper practice.

With their filming coming up in november they were anxious and excited to see what was in store for them.

to be continued...