Monday, April 27, 2009

Update April 27, 2009

So if you guys haven't already seen this, this is one of the main reasons why Sateliets keep getting fans on youtube. Watch it over and over and give it 1,000,000 hits haha. Sorry for the lack of posts, it's getting nicer out so I choose to skate as often as possible. The gig they had last saturday at poor alex's was amazing. Hearing the full sound was mind BLASTING haha and seeing the full band was a sight to see. With a little breathing space till the next gig these guys got alot of work to do. We all do actually, this wednesday is going to be another photo shoot with the complete band at Walnut. These guys also have to push the demo to completion. The Myspace is going to be Revamped and the myspace for Skyboy is also in the works. The next month is going to be a good one so watch out for progress and I'll try my best to keep this thing updated for all of the regular followers. Remember this vid needs 1,000,000 more hits so keep watching ( I still watch this all the time, I can never get bored of this, it's too sick, good job Art and Theo)

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