Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Satelites' timeline part 6

Remember if you haven't read any of the other parts it would be good to catch up now before continuing. 

In late october Satelites had gone to a couple interviews at much. They went to find out if they were going to be on the show. Here is a clip that Gerald filmed on the way to the first interview.

After Satelites found out they were going to be on the show they were so psyched. The first film day was a month after the first interview. As soon as they heard the news they practiced, and practiced, and practiced. The location of their first shoot for disband was at the Rehearsal Factory, on November 17, 2008.

I remember walking in there for the first time. It was like a maze of corridors inside. From their website I had found out that most of the room had themes going on inside. I could hear from walking around that other bands were practicing inside. We had passed a couple doors that I found interesting.

We found the manager after walking around lost for about 20 minutes. He showed Satelites to the room Much Music booked for them to use. 

While Satelites were setting set up, the producers and filmers from Much showed up. The camera guys pulled out their equipment and started filming them play.

Satelites played, and the camera guys filmed, and they all waited for thier guru to show up.

to be continued.

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