Saturday, February 28, 2009

Theo updating myspace

You ever wonder how these guys handle their myspace, well now you can have a peek. I have just confirmed that I will be receiving the camera this monday March 2, 2009 so after that date you guys can start seeing some HD quality vids with these guys. I will also be introducing the rest of the fam soon. Keep an eye out for SKYBOY bringing you the music of tomorrow, today.

Friday, February 27, 2009

A Vid to put a smile on your face

Here is some more footy from when Allen was away at blue. It makes me laugh everytime hahaha

Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Layout, Update feb 26, 2009

Well I have decided to change my layout, I have been planning to for quite some time now. It's actually not done, I just am in the process of relearning html. Very confusing if you ask me, I haven't really done anything like this since Asian Avenue days hahaha. Ok in celebration of this change I have decided to create a playlist of the Vids I find very appealing visually, it is called eye candy in honor of the new eye banner I put up (get it, eye candy =P) Some of the vids are best viewed in HD so I guess it's best to see these on youtube.

In other news, I have recently just ordered my new camera and I am very excited to get it. Well we are all excited for the camera cuz we would be able to do so many great things with it. For those who don't know, I actually fell in love with filming and editing because of skateboarding, and now I just want to learn more about it. I want to be able to get into using after effects to make vids like some of the ones shown above (D.A.N.C.E. is a perfect example of after effects also those HP commercials)
If you want to see how the quality is you can check this video, it's best to watch it in HD so click that little youtube button on the bottom right.

Be just a little more patient and I'll soon be posting new vids in HD. Enjoy

Theo is writing a new song

Here it is, Theo is writing a new song. He actually finished it the same day I filmed this.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Randomness, Random Rambles

This was all the other stuff you didn't get to see, the befores and afters of the shoot at Theo's. They filmed 3 or 4 songs that day and this vid is all the funny stuff in between. The Satelites would like to thank everyone who watched the show last night, twice haha, and to those who immediately went on myspace or facebook to tell them how good they were. To all the fans who made it out on the day of judgment. They will be releasing a thank you tape very soon, courtesy of big byrd productions.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Tonight at 6 pm and at 9 pm disband will be airing on much. Everyone is very excited, so excited and mistaking the date for yesterday. It was like a party at Theo's yesterday, a foreshadowing of how it's going to be tonight. Only 10 hours away Woot! Woot! I have put together a montage of the day february 21 on the Satelites Adventure cover

Monday, February 23, 2009


Tomorrow is the big day people. Be sure to watch disband on much or suffer the consequences hahaha. (insert evil laugh sound) Also Theo has posted a blog on the much website. I'll post all the links at the bottom. I am currently working on a montage with their adventure cover as the soundtrack. If you haven't seen this vid then you don't know why Satelites are getting so big. Many of the fans that have no connection to them have found them through this vids. Watch it and give it more hits.

The Famous "BEST adventure cover on youtube" WATCH AND RATE 5

Vote here (click above)

Read Satelites blog here (click above)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Update feb 22, 2009

More vids, pics, stories, randomness is on its way. way too many clips to edit. March 11, 2009 keep your morning free cuz Satelites are going to have a performance that day, saty tuned for location and time. This has been confirmed already after an audition that we went to yesterday. Two more days till the big day of disband, the bios are also up on the much disband website, but they also spelt Art's and Allen's name wrong haha. There is already a comercial on tv for them but I haven't seen it yet. Jon and I are working up a schedule to get these guys as much exposure as possible so they can share their magic with you. For now enjoy some pics I poached from one of the filming sessions for disband at the gibson museum. (meaning i took the pic without the much camera crew noticing)

Photo captions
1. Old school arcade at gibson museum (november 17, 2008)
2. Gibson stool (november 17, 2008)
3. Filming for disband at gibson museum (november 17, 2008)

Allen's Top 5 Skateboarders

He meant Chaz Ortiz ok haha

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Work in Process

Well it's about 7:30 and I'm about to call these guys up to wake up and get ready for an early morning rehearsal/audition. In the meantime here's a vid of Theo's work in process. There's no title yet and all the lyrics are still not there. Listen and enjoy, wish these guys luck. Oh and check out this pic, Satelites on the much disband page!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Update feb 20, 2009

Im here now at Theo's and Satelites' minus Art are now recording for a demo that should be coming soon. Arthur is at work at the moment, and Allen is recording drums for Slow motion love. Tomorrow morning the satelites have an audition for a vip dinner happening in march. The producers at north44 media are excited to hear them play. Wish them luck, and here's a pic from Theo's computer. Enjoy

Photo Caption: Satelites with Meg & Dia (february 4, 2009)

Here's a promo that our friend Gerald made
Catch disband this tuesday feb 24, 2009

A memento from Theo

Here's a clip of Theo telling us a story about him and Allen. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chillin like villians at Theo's

Recording begins today, we just finished unloading Allen's drums at Theo's house. Hopefully they can record many tracks asap. the Satelites have something going down on saturday and they have been invited to play for a VIP crowd in march. That means practice, practice, practice for these guys. Jon and I are trying to organize their whole schedule and we're going to try and do somethng for all you fans out there. More videos, more photos, more exclusives, more news on the way very very soon. Come back for more and enjoy

Photo caption: Art and I at Theo's (february 19, 2009)

Theo's Top 5 Skateboarders

Title is pretty self explanatory. Enjoy and come back for more.
Oh and I am trying to get some footy of Allen but he's a really busy man, you know with a baby and all, Sienna is just the cutest baby =)

Update feb 19, 2009

As you can see this blog is still in it's early stages, I am trying to organize on what I put out on what days. It's kinda hard because the footy I get isn't always in order, I always film random things unless the Satelites want something specific. Allen is back from his snowboarding trip and he's in for a surprise. I recently setup a Satelites playlist on youtube if you would like to listen to their collective songs. They should start recording this week, and they will try to finish as fast as possible. I am currently editing many clips, random and stuff, but yea keep coming back for more updates. More videos will come up soon, for now enjoy some more pics (I am in the process of uploading the pics I put on here, on photobucket so you can view them larger)

Photo captions:
1. Satelites at rehearsal factory filming for disband (november 17, 2008)
2. Satelites in front of the judges of disband (january 25, 2009)
3. Allen recording in Theo's studio (october 11,2008)


Here's one you guys probably haven't seen or heard before. 
This one is one of my favorites.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Melancholy Holly

Here's the second clip I uploaded,  one of the first songs Satelites has made.
Enjoy and come back for more later

Oh heres the schedule for when the disband episode airs

6:00 PM disBAND - disBand Eps: 13 - Satelites

9:00 PM disBAND - disBand Eps: 13 - Satelites

1:00 AM disBAND - disBand Eps: 13 - Satelites

8:00 PM disBAND - disBand Eps: 13 - Satelites

you can also see whats happening and watch other episodes here

Slow Motion Love

The first of two clips I filmed yesterday, the files are just really big so it was taking a while to upload. Youtube was being stupid yesterday having me wait almost 4 hours to upload only to have an error after due to maintenance. Come back later for a song that hasn't been heard in a long time. Enjoy

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Update feb 17, 2009

As many of you already know (and if you dont, do you live under a rock?) next week is when the Satelites' episode of disband airs. I have also finished talking to some producers to try and get these guys more exposure. Remember this date MARCH 11, 2009, it will be a very important date. I am not going to spoil the surprise just yet, but I have got more info that the Satelites don't even know yet. I will be meeting with Arthur and Theo later on to tell them the news. Allen is away on a snowboarding trip with the manager Jon. Yes Allen does do other things beside drumming. To prove it i'll show you that Allen can do many other things other than drumming. Before Satelites, Allen and Theo use to skate with me everyday, thats like two years ago now. Allen does still skate every so often, but I did convince Theo to come and skate tomorrow at St. Lawrence market.

Im going to dig through all my footy and pics to try and find some of Theo's skate clips

One week left till the Satelites' episode of disband

In the meantime, while all you guys wait patiently for the episode to air on tv or on the net, I have uploaded a video of what these guys were up to the day of. So here's a look behind the scenes at much music, also some pics of the last recording sessions at much. Enjoy

Photo captions:
1.Chillin in the Fashion dept. at much (january 25, 2009)
2. Satelites after some fine wine (january 25, 2009)
3. Last Greg scene being filmed at seXtv (january 25, 2009)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Randomness, Mad world

So i was surfing through youtube, on one of my subscriptions looking at old vids, I came across one of the songs I liked from the movie Donnie Darko. The song is mad world and I just thought to share it with you guys.

Here's the vid that I was talking about

also heres the tralier to the original gears of war with the lyrics if you wanted to listen to them

More updates soon to come, now that I have figured out why my vids were uploading so screwed up, I can get more clips onto this blog


Satelites have had many practices at my facility before, but in this particular clip if you can notice
what Allen is using to play his drum with, you will notice that they are not actually drum sticks (due to the fact that he forgot them that day)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Something for the fans with Art

For all the fans out there

Theo's Top 5 super heroes

Watch this

BLAST from the past, How Arthur met Theo

Here's a video of Art telling us a story of how he met Theo. Art was with me when I went to pick up my sis and we decided to film this in front of our old high school. haha so random

Friday, February 13, 2009

Update feb 13, 2009

Less than two weeks away for the satelites' episode of disband to air. So here's the scoop, Satelites' went to much to do some final voice overs for their episode last night. Everyone is waiting with much anticipation. I have realized that they have been filming since november, thats alot of footy. Heres a treat for the fans

Photo Caption: 
1. Satelites at rehearsal factory (november 17, 2008)
2. Filming for disband (november 17, 2008)
3. Theo drumming and Allen on guitar? (november 17,2008)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Randomness about Dreams

So this morning, right before my alarm clock went off, I got a chance to enjoy my dream. My dream was about me skateboarding, I was doing 360 flips down a set. There was no story line in my dream or anything it was just about skating. If you don't know what 360 flips are heres a vid of me doing them. 

Also I got this movie on  Blu ray a couple months ago, it's about dreams.
The story line in this movie is so crazy, it keeps you guessing, and it's trippy.

Update feb 12, 2009

So the Satelites are now auditioning bassists, and I got to meet him yesterday. Too bad I couldn't stay, I went to the new moss park on front st, right in front of st. lawrence market. Oh and here's some more news, we have found out that the Satelites are going to be performing at a local concert in may. Oh and I am trying to get videos up on here but youtube is being gay with me at the moment so as soon as they are up i'll post them here so keep checking back

I have also uploaded a bunch of pics from a secret concert that the Satelites had (well it wasn't so secret, but it was invite only :p) enjoy these sneak peeks

Stick around for more news

Photo captions:
1. Bass Auditions taken by Joel Evangelista (february 11, 2009)
2. Basement Performance (january 31, 2009)
3. Playing for the crowd (january 31, 2009)
4. Getting footy taken by Joel Evangelista (february 11, 2009) 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Check this out!! Memorabilia

This Munny has quite a story behind it. I had originally chose a white munny but when Theo and Arthur walked into urban outfitters I asked them which one I should grab. Theo pointed to this pink one we have here. To our luck the mystery accessory that came with the munny was a Mohawk!! Well I got these guys to tag it right before they had to go to sound check for disband.
Check it out!

Photo captions:
1. Allen tags munny (january 25, 2009)
2. Arthur tags munny (january 25, 2009)
3. Theo tags munny (january 25, 2009)
4. Satelites' tagged up munny (january 25, 2009)

A Satelites' timeline part 1

The following piece is the moment in my life where I thought that the Satelites' timeline began.

 Even though they have been playing together for years now, it felt like that trip made it more official. We were driving on the 401 going east and is was about 2 am. The guys were chillin out in the car listening to the sounds of immortal technique, they were chatting about one love, one race, about humanity, they were enjoying life. We were all first so excited to be on the road to meet up with the
 rest of the boys, but as the hours drew on I was the only left awake. We had arrived at Serge's Cottage around 4 am and we took a quick drive through town with some of the other guys there. After a quick munchie run from the guys in town we decided to settle down at the cottage. Allen, Theo, Arthur, and I unloaded the guitars and liquor and all took a seat by the bonfire. We took pictures of the dawn slowly creeping in and they played the guitar to make the magic of tomorrow. 

As my sleepiness kicked in I went to my car to knock out to the song slow motion love, their music like a lullaby. I awoke after a couple hours of sleep to find almost everyone knocked out still. Arthur was sleeping in the chair in the most ridiculous position, I held my laugh and I ran for my camera.

The day was just about to begin... To be continued

Photo Caption
1. Breaking Dawn (Serge's cottage august 3, 2008)
2. Arthur Sleeping (Serge's cottage august 3, 2008)

Frist Randomness

so your probably wondering why I am posting so many posts on the first day, this is so i can set the tags so in the future i can just update the set tags I have created. Also I am doing this cause I never have done a blog before and im gaining some exp points on blogging. 

Art's Top 5 cartoons

noize: Top 5 cartoons 
Art: of all time? in order?
noize: of all time, in order, number one being the best
Art: shit, hmmm
noize: hahaha take your time
Art: does it have to be animated or can it also be any type of childhood show?
noize: I say animated, that can be a whole other top 5, hahaha
Art: haha alright let me think about this

5 minutes later

5. Family Guy
4. Chip and Dale's rescue rangers
3. Rugrats
2. Bobby's world 
1. Magic School Bus

Photo caption
1. Chillin after a long shoot at rehearsal factory for disband (november 17, 2008)
2. Magic School Bus

Just to let you know...

What to expect from this blog besides updates on Satelites are :
-Randomness (expect this from time to time due to the personality of the blogger :P which is me of course)
-Blast from the past, back stories on how I met the members of Satelites' (since they keep telling me how good my memory is) and other stories and experiences to share
-Top 5 (insert subject here) from the Satelites
-EXCLUSIVE Vids and pics (only exclusive ones of course)
- Satelites' timeline (i'll try and stay as chronological as posible, but its not like i can remember everything all at once right?!)
- and whatever other ideas pop into my head

A new day

A lot has been happening in the past six months. My life has been very busy in a good way. I have experienced many things just by being around my friends. The band Satelites have made me the official publicity rep, this is the reason I started this blog. I will bring everyone up to speed on my life with the Satelites (watching these guys blow up is amazing, these guys make some serious magic check them here ). I am one of the rare lucky people who get to share their experiences. I will do my best to keep this updated because i know that they are very busy practicing and Jon and I are doing are best to get these guys big in the scene, so think of this blog as a portal into the satelites' world. I have taken many pictures and videos in the past six months so I will let the public see some very exclusive materials. I will also do my best to update everyone on what's going on so the fans can come out to catch these guys at any gig we can get set up. But for now enjoy some of these pics and i'll try and get more stuff up. Oh I also have a youtube channel  There is also vids of satelites on there and they also have their own channel. Enjoy!

Photo Captions
1. Satelites in cottage country looking to the future (August 4, 2008)
2. Satelites first day filming for disband at Rehearsal factory (November 18, 2008)